Part 23b: Escher

Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)

In a valley, the community nestles among the trees.  Small stone buildings blending into their environment so as to be almost invisible from a distance.  Only from the lake can a few of the houses near the water be seen, and they fit so well into the scene that somebody in a boat almost has to check twice to be sure they're there.

The people here are like the village; quiet, friendly, a part of the scenery.  Almost everybody seems to be an artist of some sort.  Painting, sculpting, carving, pottery, jewellery making... all are practised here, and people occasionally come from the nearer towns to buy the results.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

The day was bright and cheery, it was early afternoon and there was a cool breeze coming down from the mountains.  The calm and silence of the remote area was briefly disrupted at a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere.  However since there was no one around for miles (one of the reasons for choosing this spot), there was no further commotion once he arrived.

Leonardo took a deep breath of the fresh clean air and smiled a genuinely pleased smile as he stretched his arms out.

If a tree falls in the forest but no one is around to hear it... does it make noise?  If a man appears from out of nowhere but no one is around to see it... did he really arrive and if not can he get a refund from his travel agent?

Home again, home again... where the heart is... and the liver, lungs, brain, stomach and all the other organs for that matter at the moment.  It has been a long time... I wonder what has changed?

Leonardo took out the stew being made by Cyan, tasted it... and quickly decided that unlike people, stew did not travel well via Trump.  Or at least he was willing to give the Bard the benefit of doubt and blame the taste on the trip between Shadows.

Leonardo was forced by his discerning taste buds to gently distribute the stew to those creatures with less sensitive palates but he kept the pot just in case he ever met Cyan again so he could return it.

With a deep sigh of contentment at being home on familiar ground once more, Leonardo moved towards one of the closer towns that he remembered.  He took out his camera and began using the zoom function to take a closer look at the surrounding area.

So far, so good... said the man at each floor as he fell from the 100th story rooftop.  I wonder what is going on with the Courts and Amber... no contact and active interference... something that isn't supposed to even be possible.

Oh well... at least this way Samuel can't scold me just yet for my lack of discretion.  I just hope Cyan has the good sense to convince Jack to avoid The Enemy... at least for the immediate future.  If not... well it's their funeral but it may end up causing trouble for me!

I am curious as just who this Aaron was that showed up only to disappear again in short order... I wonder where he went and why?  Oh well... at least now I can relax in a wonderful location where the "rules" make sense!  And where a talented artist is truly and properly appreciated!

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
The town has not changed much.  A lot more greenery now that spring is here, and a couple of the shops appear to be under new management.  Apart from those small items though...

Leonardo wanders through the streets, acknowledging greetings from aquaintances and strangers alike.  It's a fine, bright day, and everybody seems to be in a good mood.  The town is crowded, a fact explained when Leonardo reaches the central square and finds that it is a market day.
As usual there are nearly as many artists, of varying degrees of talent, as there are traders.  Many of them are personally known to Leonardo, and most of those he considers to be friends.

Unfortunately, the man who hails him from the doorway of one of the organic-looking buildings does not fall into that particular category.

"Leonardo.  Have you seen Simon lately?"

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo
Dworkin typed:Unfortunately, the man who hails him from the doorway of one of the organic-looking buildings does not fall into that particular category.

"Leonardo.  Have you seen Simon lately?"

Five hundred million people on this planet.... and HE has to be the first one I forced to deal with.  Apparently my luck hasn't changed all that much since I was last here.  Still... it is interesting to see that not much has changed.

I know I felt as if I had been away for a long time... but it looks as if things couldn't have aged much more than about three or perhaps four years.  Even Xander looks much as I remember.... what a pity for him, apparently even age can't mellow that face of his.  One wonders if even his mother loved it?  Oh well... mustn't keep the little "charmer" waiting.

Leonardo turns gracefully towards the man who had hailed him and does his best to put on a cheery smile as he replies in a polite tone, "Ahh Master Xander... it has been awhile, you're looking as prosperous as ever.  I'm sorry to say that I have not seen Master Simon lately.  In fact I have only just recently returned to the fair town of Rockwell after a... brief hiatus from the local area."

Leonardo casually moves closer towards the man and adds in a softer and more direct tone, "So tell me Master Xander, just how is business going for you?  How much does Simon owe this time?  What friendly, neighborly rate of interest are you charging him... is it still by the week or have you moved on to a daily percentage by now?"

Leonardo's smile never altered but it was clear that Leonardo did not care for people preying on his artistic friends... especially parasites who never created anything useful or artistic in their entire lives.

Damn it Simon... when are you going to learn that being a great artist does not immediate extend you an unlimited line of credit!?  If you managed your accounts the way you managed your color schemes... you could buy Xander ten times over.

Oh well... I suppose it will be up to me to protect the local artistic geniuses from these preying parasites.  But of all people... why must you go to Xander, he may not be the worst of his lot but he has never shown the proper appreciation of the very simple modern convenience... the shower!

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
Xander raises his hands in a placating gesture, and his tone of voice is one of mock horror as he replies, "Now, Leonardo, things have changed in the months since we last met.  Simon and I are brothers now, in the Church of One.  He owes me naught but friendship, as I owe him.  I merely wondered because he has not been to a meeting in several days and I suspected that he was perhaps ill, but there is nobody at his home."
"I thought that you might know where he is."

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo can't help but feel a bit wary of this recent revealation and "confession" by Xander.  He raises one eyebrow in question as he responds in a calm, even tone, "Well now... that is certainly news to me.  I would never have taken Simon for the religious sort... much less you Xander.  Still if that is your story, it sounds good enough to me I suppose.  So do you charge... interest on friendship?  Just kidding Master Xander, no offense intended.

I must confess some ignorance in this matter and not just with regards to Simon's current location.  I have been rather... secluded and out-of-touch for quite some time.  As such I am not particularly familiar with this Church of One?  I don't suppose you would be willing to explain the philosophy behind this new religion which has swept both Simon and yourself off your feet from the sounds of it?"

Well now... what is this phoney business about some church or cult that's so powerful and effective that it could actually bring Xander and Simon together in the same group as anything but rivals or creditor-creditee?  It seems to me that it was only yesterday that the "Temple of Mt. Dali" was the religious philosophy which was all the rage in the more fashionable sections of Escher.  I do hope Simon hasn't dug himself in too deeply with this "Church of the One"... any religious group which would freely accept Xander must be up to no good.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Xander (NPC)
"Most assuredly.  I will be glad to discuss the Church with you." Xander replies. beaming, "In point of fact, I am on my way to a meeting even now.  Will you join me?  All are welcome to attend."
He waits expectantly, ready to lead Leonardo to the Church meeting, if he agrees to go.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo's eyebrows rose slightly as his interest in this new religious cult was piqued.  With a small shrug and a sigh of resignation, Leonardo smiled in a friendly manner as he responded in a cordial tone, "Ahh well then... I suppose that would be the best way to find out more about this Church of One.  It is just as the writers always say... "Show Don't Tell".

Still I am curious as to whom this One is supposed to be... but I suppose I'll be finding that out soon enough.  Perhaps Simon will be able to make the meeting and we can both greet him there?

By all means Xander, please lead on and I shall follow.  By the way Master Xander... what do you do now for a living seeing as you've turned away from your earlier career of money-lending?

I do hope Simon is still painting, the last works I saw of his showed great promise for a bright future in the Art World.  I expected him to enter the Grand Art Fair being held during the Spring Equinox in the Giger Metropolis."

This is so unlike the Xander I know... if I didn't know my own Trumps like the back of my hand, I would be willing to wager that this was a Shadow of my homeworld.

I can't believe a slimey sneak of a man like Xander could change his stripes so quickly... what could this Church of One possible have done to him or shown him which would enact such a profound change?

Why do I feel uneasy all of a sudden... surely this is just another freak cult, something to pass the time away before the next major shift in Art sweeps everyone from their collective feet?

Leonardo follows slightly behind Xander in a comfortable casual pace but he begins to regard his surroundings with greater care.  Leonardo begins to wonder what other changes great or small have taken place in his home Shadow during his "brief" absence.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Xander (NPC)
Xander leads Leonardo away through the streets, and Leonardo soon notes that not everybody seems pleased to see Xander.

"The One is... the One." Xander shrugs and smiles, "Tarquin, the evengelist, has been moving through the local towns for several weeks now, preaching to people in school halls and town squares.  He performs miracles too.  My niece, Cassandra, her foot was crushed by a falling block of marble only three weeks ago.  I asked Tarquin to pray for her, and a week ago she was able to walk again as if no injury had happened."

"Ah... my business, yes.  Well, I still lend money, but to other Church members I offer the loan as a friend, with no urgency to repay me.  I simply increased my interest rates for outsiders to compensate."
  Xander smiles cheerfully, obviously unable to see anything wrong with this practice.
His smile fades though, as screams and yells sound from just ahead.

"Oh, my word!  Leonardo, it is a wolf!  I didn't know they still lived in these parts.  We must flee."

Sure enough, there is a very large wolf standing in the street.  It eyes the buildings, and the scattering residents of the town, with an air of distrust, then starts to walk towards Leonardo, its gaze fixed on the man...

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo just smiles and nods his head as he listens to Xander's rationalization new methods of usury.  Apparently this ONE hasn't cured Xander of his greed or averice... it simply has redirected it towards a more focused target.  In fact Leonardo was forced to admit to himself that it was quite a clever recruitment technique.  After all... if someone got buried in debt now, what better way to relieve the pressure than to join the Church of One?

Just then a wolf strolls down the street heading right for him as the town's people scatter.  Leonardo reaches into his coat and apparently withdraws a bladed gauntlet.  With Piece firmly in hand, Leonardo assumes a defensive fencing stance as he calls to Xander, "Go find yourself cover Master Xander, I shall see that no harm comes to you or the other town's folk.  Be not afraid, I have gained a degree of martial knowledge which may serve me well in matters such as this.  Then again... perhaps violence will not be needed, a wolf does not always have to be dangerous."

Well now... this is an interesting turn of events.  A wolf here... why Xander is quite correct, there hasn't been a wolf living within miles of this town for decades.  How interesting... first Xander, then the Church and now a wolf... what will be next I wonder?

[OOC: So does this wolf look like Kalika's companion Hunter?]

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
Standing alone now, Leonardo studies the wolf, which is walking slowly towards him.  His artist's eye takes in the details of the animal - a spot of lighter grey here, a darker patch there, an arrow embedded in its flank...

Apart from the arrow, he realises, he has seen this animal before, in the company of Kalika Wolfblade.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Hunter
Hunter approaches the man, Leonardo, without distraction. He had caught his scent and tracked him. Ignoring the other man, Hunter limps to Leonardo's side he licks the arrow in his flank delicately. The huge wolf then looks up at the artist with large yellow eyes and whines before looking pointedly at the arrow and then Leonardo and then whining again. He does not appear afraid of the Leonardo, even with the bladed gauntlet encasing one of his hands.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Oh great... when did I become Florence Nightingale?  Hell I don't even play a Doctor on TV!  Well... I suppose it's nice to be needed, though getting "used" by a beast does bring up all sorts of unpleasant imagery.  So I'm supposed to play Mr. Fix-It eh?  Well I hope this thing realizes that I'm not an arrow extraction expert by any means!

Still... maybe by aiding this thing I will once again be "gifted" into the good graces of the others... assuming they even have "good graces" to begin with.  Why me of all people?

With a deep sigh and a resigned shrug of his shoulders, Leonardo retracts the blade back into the guantlet as it reforms into a bracer around his left wrist.  Leonardo strolls towards Hunter in a casual manner and kneels down to take a closer look at the arrow wound.

As he examines the wound, Leonardo gently places his hands on the animal's flanks and communicates with the wolf, ~~~ Well now, long time no see eh my furry home companion?  So where is your mistress I wonder and how did you come by this nasty arrow wound?  I hope you realize that I am not a trained medical expert... so any aid I lend you will most likely hurt quite a bit.

I suppose there's a good reason behind why you chose to seek me out instead of one of the others... though in some ways I really wish you hadn't.  This is my home, I would not take it kindly if by your actions you have brough danger and harm with you to my home.  I do hope you managed to shake off any pursuers before coming here.

Still what is done is done I suppose.  If you agree to behave and listen to my instruction, while I might not be able to lessen the pain of removing the arrow, I might be able to aid you in quickly healing the wound.  I will now proceed to pull the arrow out to the best of my very limited ability.

However the accelerated healing will require you to wear what will look like a collar and leash.  I realize for a wild animal such as you that such a thing as a leash may be unbearable.  Still that is how it will have to be.  So I leave the choice up to you, do you wish to heal rapidly and return to full health or is your apparently freedom more important to you? ~~~

Leonardo prepared to remove the arrow from Hunter's flank as he waited for a sign from the wolf to proceed.  In truth Leonardo did not have a medical degree, however he had dealt with emergency medicine a bit more than he had let on.

Often during a Hunt with Ares, one of the retainers or fellow hunters would bite off more than he or she could chew... or rather they were the one who was chewed.  It was during those times that Leonardo learned a thing or two about how to treat trauma injuries in the field... not pleasant lessons but useful all the same.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Hunter
When Leonardo touches Hunter's mind he senses nothing but feral animal. His thought process is in blobby pictographs of wolves interacting, mental sounds of growling and snarling, and scents and feelings.

After some adjustments to his way of communicating. Leonardo is able to get the basics of his point across. Intelligent yellow eyes meet with the artist's and the wolf nods once, slowly, but his teeth are lightly barred, almost if in warning to not abuse the situation.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Having gotten at least some of his main points across... at least to a certain degree, Leonardo felt he had established as much "understanding" with the wild wolf as was going to be possible for the time being.

Leonardo shifted Piece into a form that resembled a leash and collar before fitting the "collar" around the wolf's neck in a gentle fashion.  Leonardo then instructed Piece to focus its healing powers on the wolf.

Taking a deep breath, Leonardo got a firm grip on the arrow as well as on Hunter's flank.  He first tried to ease the arrow out as much as was possible without causing further damage.  However once it became clear that he would need to a firm pull to remove it completely, Leonardo took another deep breath and then yanked as hard as  he could as he let the breath out.

As Leonardo began to check the wound to insure that all of the arrow was fully removed, Piece was already hard at work repairing the damage and soothing the wolf's pain.

As Leonardo stood up, he brushed off the dirt from his pants and patted Hunter on the head as he thought, ~~~ Arrow out... safe... heal quick... all better soon... stay close by me... free once fully healed. ~~~

Leonardo then looked the wolf in the eyes and asked more to himself than to the wolf, "Ok... so now what?  It seems I have a walking companion for the immediate future... but what I still don't understand is, why me?  Weren't you supposed to go find Kalika?  Did something happen to her I wonder... who was it that shot you and why?  I suppose answers to these and other more complex questions will not be forthcoming anytime soon, huh?  Then again.... perhaps I don't want to find out the answers just yet, I have the sneaking suspicion that I won't like them once I know them."

Leonardo turned back to where Xander had run off to and said in a loud but calm tone, "Oh Master Xander, I believe everything is going to be perfectly alright.  I do believe you can come out and join me on the street... this animal is not looking for trouble.  I do believe we are running a bit behind for our appointment, after all... we do want "to get to church on time", don't we?"

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Xander (NPC)
From a safe distance, Xander watches Leonardo actually touch the wolf!  He releases the breath he hadn't realised he was holding, and replies, "Perhaps so, Leonardo, perhaps so.  But wolves do have a certain reputation for not looking for trouble.  To whit: they have no need to look for trouble, since it is normally a close companion to them."
He glances about, "I'm certain the constables will be here shortly to help it on its way, in one manner or another.  Now, please, for pity's sake, step away from the animal, before it decides that Talented Artist would make a perfectly good repast on such a fine day."

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo shakes his head saddly and replies in a disappointed tone, "Where has all the trust gone I wonder?  Really Xander, if I say that this beast is under control then it is... do you not see that it has accepted the leesh and collar?  Surely that must be a sign that this animal has some degree of domestication and obediance training?

Besides I think I may recognize this wolf from... elsewhere.  If I am right about this wolf, then it would be highly inadvisable for the constables or anyone for that matter to attempt to take this animal against its will by force.  Neither this creature nor its owner is likely to go gentle with anyone who actively tries to harm it.

Now Master Xander... we are running much, much too late for no good reason.  Please lead on and I shall insure that the beast does no harm to me or anyone else.  Lead on sir and I shall follow, I would not want to miss my first meeting of the "Church of One"."

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Xander (NPC)
Xander seems to regain a certain degree of composure, and steps into the street with a confident stride.  "Yes.  Surely that must be a sign that this animal has some degree of domestication and obedience training.  You are right.  Now, follow me, you would not want to miss your first meeting of the "Church of One"."

Xander leads the way through the streets, and after only a short distance he turns in through a gate in a high stone wall topped with ornamental spikes of verdigrised copper.  Beyond is a large garden, a gravel driveway leading across an immaculate lawn, bordered by ancient cypress and cryptomeria trees where benches and tables of white-painted wrought iron stand in the shade.
At the end of the drive is a sprawling building, low and covered with ivy.  The door is open, and a new-looking sign affixed next to it announces that this is the "Mission hall of the First Church of Divine Unity."

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
There is some half-hearted resistance to Leonardo's bringing Hunter into the hall, but nobody wants to get too close to the animal.  He gains entry by the simple expedient of walking towards anybody who objects.

The hall is decorated simply, with no ornamentation of any kind on its plain walls or the posts which support the ceiling.  There is only one other door in sight, and that is near a lectern at the front of the room.
People are filing in and finding places on the rows of seats, but Leonardo finds that, for some reason, nobody wants to sit near him and Hunter.
Looking about, he notes the long table by the wall on the left side.  A cloth covers it, and whatever is upon it.  All he can tell for the moment is that it is not an even surface. Two men stand near the table, dressed in identical navy blue outfits, hands clasped in front of them as they talk quietly.

The door by the lectern opens, and a large man steps through, also dressed in navy blue, but bearing the aura of somebody who is more concerned with breaking bones than saving souls.  His arrival brings an immediate hush to the room, and he steps to one side of the door, surveying the room with eyes that look as dead as those of any shark.
The man behind him looks like a prophet.  Wild grey hair, long beard, scars on his face showing around the eye patch that he wears.  He too wears dark blue, but of a different cut to the others in the room.  He walks directly to the lectern, and the large man's twin brother enters, pulls the door closed, and then stands on the opposite side to his brother.

The prophet stands, head bowed in prayer, or merely thought, for a long moment, while the audience sits in silent anticipation.  Then he suddenly pounds one fist on the lectern, "There are those, in this community," he says, his voice clear and deep, "who believe that it is their right to complain about every decision made by those who are entrusted with making those decisions.  And yet, and I'm sure we all know somebody who fits this description, they are never prepared to offer any solution themselves."

"All too often they will say, 'That is wrong!' or 'That will never work!' and, if asked to provide an idea or solution of their own, their response is so often, 'It.  Is.  Not.  My.  Responsiblity.  To.  Solve.  This.'"

"Luckily for all of them, and all of you, The One is not afraid to share the burden of authority and responsibility.  These others, the SHIRKERS, they want things to be better, and yet they are prepared to make NO effort of their own!  They are like cattle in the fields.  All they care about is that they are fed, they want no part in doing the feeding."

"I will tell you of The One, of a deed that He performed out of His desire to improve the world, and although it cost Him dearly, He did not rail against Fate, He did not surrender.  No!  He took His Fate into His own hands, and continued in His effort to better the world."

"The One was born the son of a powerful man, a king, in a high castle.  He was the first son of this King, and should have been his heir, but the King had not married His mother, and so He was born without rights.  Later, two more sons were born, and these were born in wedlock, and so they were heirs to the throne of the kingdom."

"The One was not envious.  He was a friend to the two boys, and being older than they, He taught them much of what He had learned.  Selflessly He taught them, that they might grow up wise, even though in doing so He strengthened their claims to the throne."

"Then, one terrible day, another son was born, and the old king looked upon this new child as a favourite.  He banished the two brothers from his court, declaring them outside the Law, and said that if they returned it would be on pain of hideous and gruesome death!"

"Dismayed by this turn of events, for the brothers were wise and just, The One went before the king to plead for clemency.  He explained that they would make good rulers when the king had passed, and He begged the king to reconsider, but the king would have none of it."

"The next day He returned and pleaded with the king, but was again rebuffed.  It was the same every day for five days, and finally the king seemed to waver.  And it was at this point that the true architects of the deed became apparent.  The queen, supported by the king's father, entered the hall and spoke to the king.  There must have been spellcraft at work, for the king immediately became angry with The One.  He was thrown into a prison, wrapped in chains."

"For five YEARS He was tortured, one year for each day when He had begged the king to be merciful.  Then the king used a great magic to break His body into one thousand pieces, and he scattered the pieces to the four winds.  Then he went back to his throne, content."

"But The One did not die.  His soul was too strong, and so He lives in all the parts of the world, even to this day.  And still He works to make right the wrong."

The prophet falls silent, and his head drops.  At last he speaks again "We will pray."  All heads bow, and the prophet intones the prayer, "We who are your followers, Lord, pray that you will smile on our efforts when we try to make things right, and that you will keep us from apathy.  We ask you for the strength to continue when all seems doomed to failure, and for the wisdom to know where to apply that strength.  Above all we ask you to show those who do not strive for improvement, but demand it of others, the error of their ways, so that more people will strive, and the world will become better by degrees.  Amen."
There is a murmured "Amen", and the room is silent for a moment.  Then it seems that the service part of the meeting is over, and people stand and begin circulating, chatting.  The prophet, with his guardians, moves out into the room to speak to people.  The cloth is removed from the table to reveal several stacks of books.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Well now... that was quite interesting.  Why I wonder... why does a prophet require "protection" of a level I would normally associate with people even shadier than Xander usually is?  Still... I can't help but feel that this man made several good points.  There certainly is a lot of unconstructive bickering, even before I left I remember thinking that Escher would never be able to form one firm source of leadership for the entire planet... at least not until I decided to come back and set things the way I wanted them.

I wonder what happened to this One after he was divided into so many parts?  Certainly this One is a tough SOB... even Piece would have a tough time putting me back together after that kind of treatment.  What was up with the Queen and the King's father I wonder.... why the need for favoritism?

And what... may I ask... did those two other sons do while their elder brother was being put in prison and tortured?  Maybe the One was blind to their weakness for they seem to have left him to rot after pleading THEIR case!  Hell... the whole thing sounds about as convoluted as the family tree for Amber's Royal Family... at least as Samuel tried to explain it to me once.

Still... I don't see how such a thing as this kind of storytelling is going to "change" a man like Xander or appeal there would be to my friend Simon.  Something tells me there has to be more going on here than just a little sermonizing.  Oh well... I suppose it's time to mingle.

Leonardo rose from his seat and gently guided Hunter alongside him as he made his way towards the prophet.  Leonardo bowed towards the prophet and said in a cordial, polite and respectful tone, "Amen indeed Teacher.  That was a most interesting and powerful sermon you just gave, it certainly sparks the imagination regarding what other grand tales there are to be told about The One.  He certainly sounds like a man wronged beyond words and treated most unjustly by his family.

But please forgive me for not introducing myself, my name is Leonardo.  I hope you do not mind my intruding on your meeting but one of your fellow worshipers invited me, Master Xander.  Also I did not have time to find a proper place to leave my animal companion and I didn't want to be late for the mass, so I do hope you will not be offended that I brough him with me.

I wonder... how did you first become aware of The One?  I admit that it has been awhile since I was last in circulation socially speaking but I don't seem to recall hearing about The One before today.  I am also drawn to curiousity about what happened to The One after he was broken into so many parts.  Did he ever return to face his tormentors and set right his father's kingdom?  What happened to his brothers I wonder?"

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
The man tilts his head towards Hunter, appraising him, then looks back at Leonardo, "A fine animal indeed.  Where did you come by him?"

"Yes, that is but a single story of The One, His life is truly remarkable.  There are many tales of Him, as you will hear if you decide to attend further meetings, Leonardo.  Meanwhile, why not take some of the pamphlets, which contain some of the briefer parables?"

"I have travelled much, Leonardo, and it was in a distant land that I first encountered this faith.  I had but recently lost my eye, and I heard the tale you have just heard.  It struck enough of a chord to encourage me to look further into His extraordinary life."

"No, He never went home, to this day He still strives to bring His body back together, and slowly He is succeeding.  And that is where we come in.  With the help of loyal followers, such as myself, and these others here, the work goes faster."

"His brothers, well their fate is unknown, save the youngest, who is still known to live in the castle of his father.  The other two were banished and never returned.  Some scholars maintain that the word banished is a euphemism for killed.  Personally I choose not to believe that, for while they are still alive, then there is hope."

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo
Dworkin typed:The man tilts his head towards Hunter, appraising him, then looks back at Leonardo,"A fine animal indeed.  Where did you come by him?"

Leonardo smiled and replied in a friendly tone, "Well... I wouldn't say I came by him so much as he came by me.  A smart man chooses his friends well, family is something one is stuck with.  But like you, I also tend to travel around a good deal and one day we just met as fate would have it... these things happen to the best of us."

Leonardo gave Hunter a friendly pat on the head with a warm disarming smile.

quote:"Yes, that is but a single story of The One, His life is truly remarkable.  There are many tales of Him, as you will hear if you decide to attend further meetings, Leonardo.  Meanwhile, why not take some of the pamphlets, which contain some of the briefer parables?"

Leonardo reached out and gently picked up some of the pamphlets which he placed in the pockets of his duster saying in an interested tone, "Oh I certainly intend to find out more about The One... this is too good a story to leave just as things are getting interesting.  I thank you for the reading material and I do plan to come to more of these meetings, I want to learn more about the workings of The One.  By the way, I am sorry to say that I don't believe that I got your name Teacher, would you honor me with it?"

quote:"I have travelled much, Leonardo, and it was in a distant land that I first encountered this faith.  I had but recently lost my eye, and I heard the tale you have just heard.  It struck enough of a chord to encourage me to look further into His extraordinary life."

Leonardo was quite interested in the man's words and nodded his head as he replied in a curious tone, "Hmm... it is funny that depite all of my travel, I have never come across any tales of The One.  His story certainly seems like the kind of grand tale that would be be told in one variation or another many places.  I imagine that a well trained Bard would certainly know some of the stories at least.  Shame I don't know any off hand to ply for further details before the next meeting... then again, I suppose mystery is part of what makes The One so facinating.

But tell me, how did you lose your eye... and what measures have you taken to treat that injury?  While I am not medical man by training.... I do know a few things about healing.  On a different note, where did you first hear the tales of The One?  More importantly, where did you need to travel in order to learn so much more about His life and trials?"

quote:"No, He never went home, to this day He still strives to bring His body back together, and slowly He is succeeding.  And that is where we come in.  With the help of loyal followers, such as myself, and these others here, the work goes faster."

Leonardo sighed slightly and responded in a serious tone, "His is a great task indeed... to survive for so long by force of Will alone.  So... just how close to colllecting and re-combining all the pieces is he and/or his followers?  How long do you suppose it will be before The One is whole once more?  I can't help but wonder why a being of such Power and Will... why does The One need a physical body anymore?  Could a mere vessel of flesh and bone really be enough to contain such a powerful being?"

quote:"His brothers, well their fate is unknown, save the youngest, who is still known to live in the castle of his father.  The other two were banished and never returned.  Some scholars maintain that the word banished is a euphemism for killed.  Personally I choose not to believe that, for while they are still alive, then there is hope."

Leonardo raised his eyebrows slightly and shrugged saying in a resigned tone, "Well... as the saying goes, "Hope springs eternal".  Still... I wonder that the two banished brothets never tried to rescue The One during his imprisonment.... especially as he was jailed for pleading on THEIR behalf?  If they were truly the just and good rulers that The One had molded them to be, I can only think that some powerful force must have kept them away and that may not bode well for their safety.

Is anything more know about this youngest brother?  Why was this young one favored above the rest... to the exclusion no less of his siblings?  What did this younger brother think or feel knowing how his elder siblings had been treated, I wonder?"

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
"My name?  Of course, rude of me not to give it, please forgive me.  My name is Tarquin Caer, but most just call me Tarquin.  Please consider yourself one of the latter group." the man says, pleasantly enough.  He seems quite happy to speak to Leonardo, for the moment at least.

"The Church of The One has its origins in a tiny country, isolated by mountains and almost impassable jungles, called Chibal.  It lies far from most major trade routes.  Few have heard of it, and fewer still are the outsiders who make their way there."
"I, myself, discovered it almost by accident, you might say.  I had a passion for mountaineering when I was younger and, having some small savings, I travelled to the Orient to climb."
"One day I pulled myself up onto a ledge and found myself confronted by an angry lammergeier and its chick.  The bird tore out my eye in its attempt to drive me away.  My guide was a good man, though, and knew that we were near Chibal, even though I had never heard of the place."
"It was there that I first heard the tales of The One."

"As for why he needs a body of flesh, when his will is so powerful...  Who am I to question His motives?  I'll ask you this instead; If you were robbed of something, and saw the chance to retrieve it, would you not at least attempt to do so?"
Likewise, who can explain the whims of kings when it comes to choosing an heir>"

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo nodded and smiled at Tarquin as he responded in a polite tone, "Well I am honored to meet you Teacher Tarquin and this story of The One and his Church just gets more and more facinating as you continue the tale.  I can't say that I am familiar with this place called Chibal but it certainly sounds like somewhere I need to visit... perhaps I too will be graced with inspiration?

I am sorry to hear about your misfortune but then perhaps one eye was the price for true clear vision?  After all the story of The One is about pain and loss on a physical level which leads to strength of will on a spiritual level.  I wonder if The One sought you out as his prophet and arranged for your guide to lead you to the source of your own personal spiritual revealation?

By the way, I did not mean to question the motives of The One... far from it.  I was merely indulging in my bad habit of idle curiousity.  I would have thought that no physical form would be sufficient to contrain such a powerful will and spirit... then again, perhaps with The One all things are possible.  I have no doubt that anyone so driven will eventually succeed in his goal.

I wonder though that The One has not tried to take his just vengence against the King and more importantly the Queen who betrayed him?  Does he intend to seek and demand justice once he is whole again?  That will be some day of reckoning should it come to pass I imagine!"

[OOC: So is Tarquin's eye still gone or damaged?  Also how is Hunter's arrow wound looking?]

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
"Ah... yes.  Curiousity is so often the downfall of those who wish to learn.  Too often the fools do not realise when they must halt their quest for knowledge and be happy with what they have."
Tarquin laughs and claps Leonardo on the shoulder, "I am only joking, my friend.  Curiousity is a good thing to have, for how else do we learn?"

The prophet nods at Leonardo's question regarding vengeance, "Yes, it is written that when He has sufficient capability, The One will return home and see that Justice, not vengeance, is administered to those who wronged Himself and His brothers."

OOC - Tarquin wears an eye patch, so it is impossible to see the extent of the damage to his eye.  Hunter's wound is looking pretty much healed.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo makes a mock swipe of his brow as he replies in a friendly tone, "Whew... I was getting worried there for a moment.  I'm glad we see eye-to-eye on the value of curiousity... as I tend to be burdened with an excess at times.  Hmm... Justice... yes I can see that, I am sorry if I offended you by implying someone like The One would lower himself to petty vengence.  It is clear that such a concept is beneath him.

Teacher Tarquin, I hope you will forgive my next question as it may be a bit too personal.  I do not mean to pry to far but seeing as the event had such an impact on your life... and from there on many other live... have you ever sought healing for your eye from The One?  I am sorry if the question is indelicate but I do have a reason for prying this way."

Why am I reminded of that silly Aerth child's tale of Humpitty-Dumpitty when I think about putting The One back together?  I wonder what H-D would have done had all the Emperor's camels and all the Emperor's men been successful in making him whole once more?  Would he have tried to retake his seat upon the Wall... or would he have chosen a safer resting spot?  If The One is this powerful now... what would he be capable of once restored to his physical form?

Then again... what if his physical form is the thing that made him vulnerable?  Had he been able to utilize his full potential Force of Will when he was brought before the King and Queen... would he not have been able to free himself and restore just rule to the kingdom?  How powerful must this King and Queen be if they could do such a thing to someone so driven as The One?

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
The preacher's smile suddenly looks a little forced, as he replies, "That, Sir, is a very personal qestion.  However, since you are a stranger here, I will answer it."
"No, I have never sought anything for myself, even though I have seen what my prayers can do for others.  To use The One's gifts for my own personal gain would not be right."

One of his aides leans forward and murmurs in Tarquin's ear, and the preacher nods to him, then,  "You must forgive me, Leonardo, I have a prior engagement that I must attend.  Please feel free to mingle with the others, and I hope to see you at future meetings."

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo bowed politely towards Tarquin and responded in a respectful and conscilatory tone, "Do please forgive my indelicate query friend Tarquin, I meant no offense or disrespect.  I realized that you would never abuse your power in a way that would lead to your own personal enrichment, I merely wondered if there was a religious reason or point of faith behind your continued state.  If not... then I might have an idea or two to share regarding healing techniques.

However do not allow me to delay you Teacher, I would not wish to interfere with the work of The One.  I am certain I will come again to hear more of The One and his plans for justice in the future.  May you leave and travel in peace Teacher Tarquin."

As Tarquin leaves, Leonardo turned to find Xander and asked him in a curious tone, "Master Xander how long have you been a student of Teacher Tarquin and... how long as Simon been a follower of The One?  Is Tarquin the only Teacher of The One or are there others spreading the good word among the masses of Escher?"

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Xander (NPC)
"Well now... Tarquin is the only one I know of personally, at least in the local area, but I would presume that there are others." Xander states, after giving Leonardo a distinctly puzzled look.
"I joined the Church some five weeks since, and Simon was already a member then.  I can't say with complete certitude, but I think he only joined two, or possibly three weeks before myself."

"Why do you ask?"

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo smiles at Xander and responds in a reassuring tonr, "Oh just idle curiousity... I just find it amazing how so much could change in such little time.  To think that a faith based initative such as the Church of the One could spring up and rise to such prominance in only about 2-3 months at most... facinating to be sure.

So Xander, would you say the membership has been growing at a dramatic rate?  Has the message of the Church of the One spread throughout Escher or has it been mainly focused here?

Hmm... Xander... have you ever heard Teacher Tarquin or anyone else associated with the Church refer to The One... by some other name?  Is The One called anything else or is it always just The One... not that there need be any other name as it seems to fit quite well?

I am surprised that Simon did not attend the service today... it is a shame as the sermon was quite thought provoking.  How long has Simon been absent from the meetings... Xander, when was the last time you saw Simon and was it here at a service?"

Why does this story of the One... a powerful being driven by will but broken into many parts... why does it ring a bell in the back of my mind?  Something I heard over the past few days during my time with the "charmers"... there's a connection with this story of the One.  But what is it and why do I get the bad feeling that the more I dig into this Church... the less I'm going to like the results?  Could this... could this be the same path Simon took... and is his absence a warning foretelling my own reaction to getting involved with these people?  I wonder....

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Xander (NPC)
Xander thinks for a moment or two, then sighs, "Aaah... Leonardo.  Beginning to doubt after such a brief time?"
"Hahah!  Only jesting my friend.  If you read some of the pamphlets you will find that the Church has been flourishing for a number of decades in some of the lands to the east, but it is only a couple of months since Tarquin arrived in this area, at the invite of several influential persons.  And yes, membership is growing rapidly.  The Church seems to offer so much for everybody."

"Doubtless The One has another name, I find it unlikely that he was christened that, hahah!"
Xander looks around quickly, to see if anybody heard his possibly blasphemous joke, "To be honest though, I have never heard Tarquin, or any of the others, refer to him in any other way."

"Simon?  I haven't seen him in... four? Five?  Yes... five days.  It's most worrying.  The last time I saw him was here, after a meeting.  We were all leaving, and I looked around and Simon was talking to Master Tarquin.  I considered waiting for him, but it didn't appear that he would be leaving very soon, so I left."

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo nodded his head at Xander's replies and responded in a grateful tone, "Well I really must thank you Xander for inviting me here today and for taking the time out to help me find the information I need.  I will be sure to read up on the Church, I am certain that there is a lot of valuable information and probably all the answers to my questions contained in this reading material.

I think perhaps I should head out and perhaps do a little searching for poor Simon.  If I know him... he caught sight of the last rays of a beautiful sunset and is now camped out, determined to capture that beauty on canvas no matter how long it takes.  Tell Xander, does Simon still live at the same cottage on the outskirts of town... where he has his studio setup in the back room?"

[OOC: assuming that Xander provides the information on Simon's current living quarters]

Leonardo gives Xander a friendly smile as he collects as many pamphlets being made available as possible and says in a cordial tone, "Take care Xander and remember to... keep the Faith."  Leonardo gives Xander a quick disarming wink.

As Leonardo puts the pamphlets in his coat pockets and thanks the people handing them out, he also confirms the schedule for the regular meetings which are held at this church and takes note of the day and time for the next scheduled meeting.

With a last appraising look around the building and at the people assembled, Leonardo exits the Church of the One.

[OOC: I am going to assume that Leonardo had no problems leaving.  If he does, then ignore the following.]

Once outside, Leonardo headed back for the town.  He still had Hunter on a "leash" but he could tell that the wound had healed and Piece was no longer needed.  Still he kept the leash on because it seemed to provide others with a degree of comfort.  This way, the wild wolf seemed more like a semi-domesticated "tamed" dog... at least to those who didn't stare for too long.

Leonardo decided to head for Simon's home and begin the search there.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
Simon's house is one of those down near the lake shore.  A single storey structure covered with ivy and moss which, from out on the water, make the place look like part of the natural scenery.

It looks to be deserted.  No smoke rises from the chimneys, and the only sounds are birdsong and Leonardo's own footfalls on the path.

Apart from the front door, which faces the path that leads back to town, there is one other potential entrance; a pair of sliding doors on a terrace at the back of the house, which would give a fine view of the lake when opened.

On the terrace is an easel, with a part-finished canvas on it.  The painting has been damaged by rain, and even the occasional bird droppings from the branches overhead.

OOC - the next meeting is the day after tomorrow, at the same time - early afternoon.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo looked over Simon's house with a critical gaze and a worried feeling in the pit of his stomach... it was clear Simon had not been home in several days.  Despite his concern and his better judgement, Leonardo couldn't help but take a moment to critique Simon's latest work.

Hmm... not bad, certainly an improvement in his use of negative space... but he still needs more work with his color blending, when will he accept that sometimes one needs less NOT more!  Wait... what the hell am I doing!?  Forget the damn painting... it's clearly ruined anyway.  I should be focusing on Simon and his his whereabouts... something about this who situation does not sit right with me!  Perhaps... perhaps it is time for Hunter to return my earlier favor of healing?  I wonder if Simon still keeps his spare key in the same place?

Leonardo moves over to the small patch of rose bushes in the back garden and reaches through the thorns in order to grasp a small rosewood box.  Sure enough, the spare key to Simon's place is still there and Leonardo lets himself into Simon's apartment through the locked sliding doors at the back of the house.

As he looks around the house for possible clues or signs of struggle, Leonardo also looks for items or clothes which would have Simon's scent on them.  Leonardo tries to communicate through Piece to Hunter using a mishmash of ideas, concepts and senses which the animal uses for "language".  Leonardo tries to get across the idea of someone missing and the idea that Leonardo needs help to find this person.  Leonardo also tries to get across the idea for Hunter to use Simon's things to pick up Simon's scent... which can then be used to try and track Simon down.

[OOC: So how does the inside of Simon's house look like and are there any significant changes from the last time Leonardo was here... which seems to have been only a few months as far as Escher time goes.]

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
Simon's house looks as though there has been a full scale-battle in there, which means it hasn't changed since Leonardo's last visit.  Housekeeping and Simon were never the closest of friends.

Unfortunately that makes it rather difficult to find any signs of a struggle.  Or rather, there are plenty of signs of a struggle, but it is impossible to determine if a struggle actually occurred here.

However, there is plenty of dirty laundry heaped on the floor beside the overflowing hamper.  Hunter seems more than familiar with the concept of following a trail, and seems quite happy to sniff and paw his way through the pile in order to commit the scent to memory.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo looks around at Simon's home with his usual disgust... the man certainly hadn't allowed "finding religion" to change his domestic ways.  But... there was also a certain sense of relief, whatever influence the Church of One may have had on Simon... they had apparently not changed his core personality.  Then again... perhaps that was why poor Simon had gone missing?

Leonardo guides Hunter around to numerous items from which the wolf could get a good scent.  After doing this for a few minutes, Leonardo kneeled down and stared into Hunter's eyes as he tried to make contact with the animal once again.  Leonardo tried to get a sense about whether Hunter could track Simon from his scent... and whether Hunter would be willing to aid Leonardo in his search for his friend?

If Hunter was capable and agreeable to this endeavor... then to Leonardo's mind, there was no time like the present to begin the search!

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Hunter
Hunter knows this.  He has done this before, many times.  Take the scent from some item, then find the most recent trail of that scent and follow it.  He is good at it.  Only Kalika is better, but Kalika isn't here.  The wolf resists the urge to throw his head back and howl at that thought.

Instead he sets off, keeping to a pace that the man can keep up with.  Of course Kalika could outrun the wolf, but this man is clumsy and slow, and he doesn't have the art of putting on his secret skin.  Best to go carefully.

The trail leads back to the large buiding where they had been before, and mixes with many others.  Hunter is too good to lose it though.  There is some circling about near the doors, then... here a fresher trail leads away, past the corner of the building, around towards the woods behind it.

Here, a narrow trail leading into the gloomy recesses of the forest.  Hunter could walk that trail in silence, but he knows that the man can not.  At the edge of the forest he waits, looking along the trail, offering the man the choice.

Follow or not?

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo had been noticing the wolf's "attitude" for awhile now and this latest look left no doubt as to the animal's disposition.

How... I wonder.... do I end up in these sorts of situations?  How... one might ask... does a four legged beast attain enough "stature" so that he can "look down his nose" at me!?  This may not be my element but does that mean I should turn around and go home?

Why can these things never be simple and straightforward.... and why must I constantly be placed in situations for which I lack the proper training and conditioning?  I do hope this isn't just another wild goose chase... if Simon is simply off skylarking with his latest full bodied but empty headed "artistic model"... I am going to be sorely displeased!

Leonardo knelt down beside Hunter and removed the collar of the "leesh" which Piece had been acting as ever since this afternoon.  With a resigned sigh, Leonardo looked towards the dark woods and then back at Hunter before saying in a hushed tone, "Very well then... you're clearly the expert here and certainly don't need me tagging along it seems.  You injury has healed and there is no one else around to notice you running free and wild.  Go then and follow this trail using your inborn expertise.  I shall wait here for your return.

Perhaps when the sun is up, you can guide me back to whatever you find.  I will make the best use of my time preparing an update for our former comrades... not that they will care much I suppose but I did offer to stay in touch."

Leonardo took another moment to attempt to convey his words into thoughts and sense which Hunter might better understand.  Leonardo then waited to see how the wolf would react before deciding what to do next.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Hunter
When the collar is removed from his neck, Hunter resists the temptation to cavort about in a circle, and settles instead for stretching, yawning, and a good shake, which at least maintains his dignity.
He gives the clumsy human a long, appraising look.  It seems that they are beginning to reach a better understanding of each other.  Perhaps this will work out for the best after all.

Then he is simply gone, with not even a trembling leaf to show where he has passed into the forest...

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo smiles at the response of Hunter to having the collar removed, he can empathize with the animals distate of being restrained.  Still Leonardo is not quite sure what to make of the long look the wolf gives him and he begins to wonder just how much he can afford to rely on and trust this beast... mutual acquaitances or not.  Still he hopes he can take it as a good sign that the wolf continues on into the dark woods... assuming it hadn't just decided to go Shadow-Walking and leave Leonardo behind to wait for nothing.

With the wolf gone, Leonardo leans his back against a large tree and begins to compose his update note for Cyan which he will deliver to the "dropbox" Shadow of Serenity.  With in a few moments, Leonardo has finished his note and he establishes Trump contact with Serenity.  He is surprised to see that there is already a note waiting for him but he decides he can read that later as he places his note in the agreed upon manner before returning to Escher.

Once back in Escher, Leonardo pulls out a small pocket flashlight from one of the many pockets in his coat.  He then proceeds to read Cyan's brief note.  Leonardo's brow quickly furows in concern and wonder as he ponders the meaning and possible outcomes of Cyan's update.

Well I suppose that's one way to "take the fight to the enemy"... I wonder where they have gone?  Why do I get the feeling I wouldn't be told even if I asked?  Hmm... so... how did it go I wonder... did the Archons "take one for the team"... or have Cyan and Berd and Jack joined David Ares in the mythical Hall of Heroes?  If it did work... what would they do next?  Have they another target to strike and if so... where would that be?

Oh well... I suppose I should be satisfied that they are bothering to keep me in the loop at all.... I suppose I should be grateful for the crumbs they deign to supply me.  Besides... I don't have time right now to go off galavanting around the Shadows in search of some "Super Weapon"... there's too much to deal with right here for the moment.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
Leonardo waits for a good while, perhaps two hours, and the area becomes darker as the evening closes around him.  Finally he hears a sound from the trail that Hunter had followed, something moving fast.

He moves to peer into the gloom, and Hunter launches himself straight at him.  The wolf twists in mid-leap, so that his shoulder strikes Leonardo hard, in the ribs.  The air whooshes out of the man's lungs, and he falls backwards, and as he falls he sees something flash past in the space where his chest had been a moment before.
Leonardo lands heavily, with the big wolf on top of him.  Hunter rolls clear, scrambling to his feet, hackles rising as he turns to face the tunnel-like entrance to the trail.

Three figures step out from the forest.  All are naked, save for loincloths, and their skin is heavily tattooed in primitive-looking designs.  Their hair is long and unkempt, knotted and matted, and their faces, in the fading light, are almost bestial.  Two carry spears, the third has a shortbow, and is in the process of nocking an arrow.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo swiftly and gracefully rolled backwards from his prone position as his left hand disappeared into his coat.  As he rose from the ground, his left hand (now covered in a metal guantlet) moved backwards so the view of it was hidden behind his body.  With his free hand, Leonardo made a move to brush off the dirt and then he wagged his finger in mock scolding at Hunter saying in a lighthearted but "displeased" tone, "Now look what you've done... bad Hunter... bad wolf.  Have you been bothering these nice gentlemen in the oh so fashionable loin cloths?  What did I tell you about bothering strangers?"

Although he was addressing Hunter, Leonardo never really took his eyes off the men.  As one of them began notching another arrow, Leonardo held out his free hand in an open "stopping" gesture and said in a polite tone with a warm smile, "Now gentlemen, please... I'm sure we can work all this out in a nice friendly neighborly fashion... there's absolutely no need for... UN-pleasantness.  After all... SOMEONE could get hurt if we go around playing with arrows.  Tell me good sirs what seems to be the problem?"

Leonardo began circling the men in the opposite direction of Hunter so that they would not be bunched up.  Leonardo gripped Piece tightly with his left hand behind his back and felt reassurance from its presence.... as twin blades began to extend from the knuckles.

Well this is an interesting development... it's certainly ONE way to spend an evening.  What lovely tattooes... I must make a closer study of the patterns once their owners are in a more agreeable mood.... of course it would be a shame to spoil the artwork with unseemly blood splatters just to get a better look.  But... somehow I don't get a "let's all be friends" feeling from these boys... I don't think they are here to "reason this out"... just a guess of course.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
One of the spear carriers gestures towards Hunter, "Ongawa!", but his eyes stay fixed on Leonardo.  The archer turns his attention to the wolf, while his two companions watch the man.

Hunter turns to run, then rolls sideways as the arrow passes him.  The big wolf moves faster than anything Leonardo has ever seen before, and the bowman is down, with his throat torn open, before he can even cry out.
The wolf turns, blood dripping from his jaws, and walks slowly towards the other two, now pinned between himself and Leonardo.

The growl which escapes between his curled lips sounds like the rumble of distant thunder...

One of them, the one who had spoken, suddenly lunges at the seemingly unarmed Leonardo with his spear, while his companion turns towards the approaching wolf and jabs at it in an attempt to hold it at bay.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

quote:One of the spear carriers gestures towards Hunter, "Ongawa!", but his eyes stay fixed on Leonardo.

With a foppish smile, Leonardo replies in a cordial tone, "Why Ongawa to you as well my dear fellow.  I am so glad that you are willing to talk...."

quote:Hunter turns to run, then rolls sideways as the arrow passes him.  The big wolf moves faster than anything Leonardo has ever seen before, and the bowman is down, with his throat torn open, before he can even cry out.
The wolf turns, blood dripping from his jaws, and walks slowly towards the other two, now pinned between himself and Leonardo.

Shaking his head sadly, Leonardo makes a "Tsk" sound and says in a tone of regret, "Oh dear... it seems you have chosen to act rashly.  Why must we always do things the Hard Way?  Really don't you see my poor fellow that this will only end BADLY... for one of us at least.  Now look at your friend lying in a pool of his own blood... didn't I warn you not to anger the wolf?  He does have rather a nasty temper now doesn't he?"

quote:One of them, the one who had spoken, suddenly lunges at the seemingly unarmed Leonardo with his spear, while his companion turns towards the approaching wolf and jabs at it in an attempt to hold it at bay.

Leonardo takes a firmer defensive stance as he says in a deadly serious tone, "Hmm... so you wish to play, is that it?"

As the man lunges with his spear, Leonardo waits until the man has commited himself to the lunge before spinning around to the side of the spear.  His intention is to use the spin as momentum for bringing his left hand from behind his back and "disarming" his attacker.

He intends to sever the forearm of the hand holding the spear closest to the spearhead (OOC: I'm assuming the man is using the spear two-handed) and following through so that the upper half of the spear is sliced off as well.  For the moment Leonardo doesn't want the man killed outright and he figures that Hunter will have no such reservations about repeating his earlier maneuver on the 2nd spearman.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
The man jabs at Leonardo, who sidesteps, turns, and slashes down with the blades that hadn't been there a few moments earlier.  His opponent is fast though, and pulls back as the blades descend.  Still, he loses the sharp end of the spear, and some digits into the bargain.
Howling in pain and outrage he staggers back, then charges, swinging the remaining section of spear, one handed, at Leonardo's head.

Hunter, meanwhile, has siezed the other man's spear just behind the head, and is attempting to disarm him.  The man, understandably, refuses to relinquish his grip on the weapon.  This results in a certain amount of grumbling from the big wolf, who starts shaking his head while maintaining his own grip.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo shakes his head briefly in disgust and says with a note of annoyance, "Oh how shabby... I really must start practicing more often.  David would be shocked at my subpar performance.  Still... if I must do this a few digits at a time then so be it, eventually you'll run out... certainly long before I tire of playing with you."

Hmm... he was able to avoid some of my attack... he must be better than I thought.  Certainly he is no ordinary Shadow person or I would have connected fully.  Still... he attacks in pain and anger... which means whatever reason was left in him has been fully clouded and mistakes are thus inevitable.  Let's see how he reacts to a change of weapon?

Leonardo takes a step back and brings his left hand back behind him again as the man begins to charge madly forward.  This time when Leonardo swiftly whips his left hand forward from behind his back... Piece's blades have turned into a longer flexible thin lash which Leonardo attempt to use to wrap around the spearman's legs and trip the man up.

[OOC: Based on Leonardo's ranking in Warfare, what if anything can he tell about this man's skill and the fact that this man was able to dodge some of his first attack?]

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
Leonardo's attacker suddenly finds himself face-down on the ground, while his makeshift cudgel bounces and rolls away from him.  He struggles over into a sitting position nd starts pulling at the metal cord that binds his legs, while making almost pitiful animal-like noises.

Hunter suddenly jerks his head to the side, and there is a tearing and splintering of wood.  The man drops the remnant of his spear and makes a run for the forest trail.  With a glance at Leonardo that seems to be full of grim humour, the big wolf lopes after him.

A few moments later, there is a single brief shriek which seems to be cut off all too suddenly, and shortly after Hunter strolls back into view.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo signals Piece to bind tighter and begin slightly constricting around the man's legs, the harder he struggles to remove the wrapped lash the tighter its grip.  Leonardo winces slightly at the final cry of the second man but shrugs as Hunter comes back into view saying in an appreciative tone, "Well done Hunter ol' boy... I can certainly see why Mistress Kalika was in such good health... generally speaking of course.  I should not have wanted to deal with these three all alone... then again... I would have prefered not to have dealt with any of them at all but... c'est la vie.  These three must have been pretty talented in their woodcraft to be able to detect you and then follow you all the way back here... I wonder where you picked them up from?"</purple?

With a small sigh, Leonardo focused his attention on the injured man and said in a bored tone, <purple>"Well now Mr. Ongawa... it seems your friends have come to bad ends... only supporting the old adage that "violence begets violence".  Of course it is for that reason that I would prefer not to have to harm you further... though your cooperation will be required.  In fact if you are a good boy, I might even heal that nasty scratch I gave you earlier.

The two key points for you to consider right now are these: 1. you are now all alone, you two friends will not be coming to your aid... at least not again in THIS life and 2. you can tug all you want at the lash around your legs but you'll die of old age or starvation before you can move a single strand without my permission.

Now... shall we begin again in a more peaceful and civilized manner?"

Maintaining his distance so that he was just outside the man's immediate reach, Leonardo squatted down on his haunches and stared the man straight in the eye.

~~~ Well my pretty... aren't we in a fine sticky mess... tell me, was it really worth all this fuss?  Now gently ol' boy... relax... ease your tension... release your pain and fear... and tell ol' Uncle Jack a thing or two... hmmm?  Who are you, where did you come from and why did you attack my wolfish friend there? ~~~

Piece[/i] can grant him a few moments diversion should things go badly and that should be enough time for him to focus on Trump Defense as a means of defending against any mental/psychic attack or backlash.]

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
Seeing that Leonardo has everything under control, Hunter goes back to where he had first landed after knocking Leonardo down.  He sniffs about for a few moments, and then finds what he wants.

Something white and red.

He carries it over and drops it next to where Leonardo crouches, then moves to lay down where both he and the prisoner will have a good view of each other.  The man attempts to edge away when he sees the wolf so close to him, speaking rapidly in his own tongue, "Arragabik nodlog heggadangisha sharrubak!  Sharrubak!  Sharrubak!"

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo grimaces at what he sees, sighs... and then grins at having his suspicions proved correct.

Never trust a religious man who claims to only live for his faith... chances are he's stealing from the collection plate to pay for hookers and satisfy his drug habit!  That bloody Tarquin is about as pious as an Amberite in a gilded whore house!  Well... its nice to know that something never change no matter where one finds oneself.

Hmm... so either this One is another "power player"... or he's got some connection to The Enemy.  I suppose this could just be Tarquin's attempt at self-angrandisement... but I feel there's more behind this and I can't help but feel the timing seems suspicious.

Well unless this Tarquin has found a secret undiscovered part of Escher... he's not on this Shadow right now.  But where I wonder is he and how do I get there.... I guess Hunter must be able to travel there, perhaps he can guide me?

The self-satisfied grin on Leonardo's face quickly disappears and is replaced by a look of dread mixed with rage as he focuses on the item Hunter had just deposited in front of him.... it was Simon's handkerchief!

Damn that Tarquin... I knew it... I knew he had to be involved in Simon's disappearance!  It was another of those damned bloody convenient coincidences!  I knew something had happened to him when I saw his home.... but... damn it... I was so hoping that I was wrong!  Damn it... I hate being RIGHT all the damn time!  But the question is... is this blood Simon's or does it belong to one of the freshly killed men?

Why does David have to be dead!?  I could really use his help with this!  He would have known how to approach this compound and he would have been able to fight his way out again should it have been needed!  Now I have to go off and play the damn hero... a role I am MOST unsuited and ill trained for!

Leonardo succeeded in keeping his eyes dry and his sorrow from showing... though he felt certain that the Simon he once knew was no longer in exsistance.  He bowed his head in appreciation towards Hunter and smiled sadly as he said, "You have done well my friend, far better than I ever could have hoped to have done.  You have certainly more than repaid my earlier aid and I release you from any bond or obligation.  You are free to return to your mistress who no doubt misses your valued companionship.  I can make no further demands or even requests upon your time or life... but you have my thanks and we will part as friends for your loyal service."

Leonardo turned towards the spearman and allowed his anger to flow away as he saw the sorry state the man was in.  As he locked his eyes on the man's once more, he commanded Piece to heal the man's wounds but to keep the man bound.

~~~ I know that you are but a simple servant of one who has betrayed others trust and probably your own.  You may not even fully realize what you do and I am loathed to harm one so simple... "A man who kicks his dog will one day pull his own sled".  I am healing your injuries because I am not the same type of man as this Tarquin who has enslaved your people!  But I cannot allow you to hinder me on my mission.

I know not what to do with you... but I wonder... do you desire freedom?  Would you go back willingly if released?  OR... would you be willing to FIGHT against your oppressor?  Would you be willing to resist this Tarquin who has you people enslaved for his own twisted purpose?  Would you be willing to lay down your life if it might mean that your people would once again taste the pure, envigorating draft of... FREEDOM!?

Your master has my friend... or at least he did at one time.  I will either free my friend or see to it his killers never breath freely again... either way I will see JUSTICE done!  I am loyal to only two things in life, my art and my friends... we have shed blood working against each other, would you be willing to shed blood fighting together against the true ENEMY!? ~~~

Piece[/i] repair what wounds it can quickly but still keep the man bound for the time being.]

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
The man, if man he can truly be called, starts to calm slightly as Piece heals his wounds and it becomes clear that Hunter is not going to attack and kill him immediately.

He starts paying more attention to Leonardo, and the artist can now see him more clearly, since he has stopped thrashing about so much.  Human, yes, but his face is a mass of old scars, which from their symmetry appear to be deliberate in nature.
Even his lips have been cut away to reveal his teeth, filed to points.

The overall effect is that he has the face of some dreadful animal, or perhaps an evil spirit.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Dear me... have I been mistaken?  Is this really a human being or even a sentient one at least?  It seems to me that Hunter has more "human" qualities that this creature.... how sad.  I wonder what could drive a man to such barbaric mutilation and disfigurement?  Can I even reason with creatures who possess such simple and primative minds?  What will I do with this man... if man he really is... take the hook out of its mouth and chuck it back into the lake perhaps?  Certainly there are "bigger fish" to pursue and bigger issues at stake.

~~~ Neither I nor Hunter are minions of the man named Tarquin.  We did not know about his construction project and we certainly don't know WHY he is building that structure.  We are looking for a friend... Simon.. he was last seen in the company of Tarquin but now he is missing.  During Hunter's search for Simon, he tracked the scent along the path Tarquin took.  I need to find out more about Tarquin and why he is building that structure and what that structure is for.

Can you, will you and your people help me?  If not... will you at least agree NOT to attack Hunter or I as we investigate?  Niether Hunter nor I mean you or your people any harm.  We would not have hurt you or your two friends if you had not attacked... but you left us NO choice.  What will you do should I release you now? ~~~

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
The man watches Leonardo's face, and finally nods and produces a grimace which might be a smile, then starts speaking again.  His words make no sense, bet Piece is able to translate his intent...

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

With a slightly relieved sigh, Leonardo nods his head in understanding.  As soon as the man's injuries are healed, Leonardo orders Pierce to release the man and restract back into the twin blades of the guantlet... Leonardo may be willing to grant the man the benefit of the doubt but "trust" does NOT come readily to him.

Leonardo backs away from the man and gestures with his other hand towards the path in the forest along which this man had traveled.  In a somber tone, Leonardo says, "We have reached an agreement then, neither side will harm the other as we both share a common foe.  You may return to your people Mr. Gracht, neither Hunter nor I shall harm you if you leave in peace.  I regret the fates of your two tribesmen but you understand that we had no choice... your actions left us with few alternatives.

I wish you good speed back to your home and tribe, please do not forget to tell them about us and our own mission against the sorceror.  I do not wish to kill anyone that I do not have to... I must conserve my strength for the true Enemy.  However you can be certain that I will be visiting that structure and making my own investigation into the activities of Tarquin with my own eyes.

Perhaps... perhaps we will meet again, perhaps next time we will fight together against Tarquin instead of fighting against each other."

Leonardo waits for the man to re-enter the forest as his mind ponders his future course of action.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
Gracht bows, then turns and heads back into the forest at a fast run.  Apparently he doesn't trust Leonardo not to change his mind.  Hunter looks at the human, and the blood on his face makes him look like some creature out of a primordial nightmare.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo sighed with relief as the wild man headed back home... it was good to be feared and it was nice to win... but peace was still Leonardo's "natural state" of mind.  Leonardo sent another message to Piece and it transformed into a soft, gentle cloth.  He then knelt down beside Hunter and began to gently wipe away the blood and gore which still covered the wolf.  As he established physical contact with the wolf, he began to let his thoughts flow freely between himself and Hunter.

~~~ Well Hunter my friend, these are troubling times indeed.  I have come home only to find that the War and the Enemy have beaten me here and they now have their claws sinking deep into Escherian culture.  This Tarquin appears to be yet another servant of the Enemy... much like those Archons which Jack dealt with.

Only... only this Tarquin seems to be able to Summon Archons or things at least which are very similar in description.  These demons of which Gracht speaks... they are pictured as twirling rings of fire floating in through  the air... if that isn't what attacked Jack then is must be a damned close kissing cousin!

The thing is... if the Archons were powerful enough to take out Jack... and this Tarquin is able to summon and command Archons or at least Archon-like beings.... just how POWERFUL is this Tarquin?  Worse yet... just how much does he know about Jack and those Jack worked with?

How much does he know about you or I... surely the fact that Jack traveled with a wolf-woman and her wolf companion must be known... how much of a leap in logic then to sumise that you are that wolf and I am somehow connected?  If only we could know for certain how much information Jack revealed and what the specific details are that were given to the Enemy!

These wildmen... they are strong fighters, though perhaps not quite as good as David Ares nor Cyan the Bard... but still very talented fighters.  But despite that martial power... they will not confront Tarquin nor these "demons", perhaps for very good reason.  Still if they who number in the couple of hundred and can fight like an Amberite... if they will not risk direct open confrontation... how can I possibly contemplate such action?

I am no warrior, I would know nothing of fighting were it not for the hunts David enjoyed and insisted that I join him on.  I am an artist, my "weapon" is the paintbrush, or the fountain pen, or the electronic stylus... even Piece was not originally designed for war!  How can I go it alone... I certainly can't rely on my fellow Escherians, they have no knowledge of Shadows nor the Powers of Amber and the Courts of Chaos.  They would fall like flies and to no real effect... much as I might despite my "advantages".

And what of you Hunter, what will you do now?  You are healed, you have repaid my earlier favor of healing by locating the last known location for my friend Simon.  You owe me nothing nor are you bound to me by pact or oath such as you may have shared with your Mistress Kalika.  So what will you do now?  Will you return to your Mistress perhaps... surely she must miss you.

I would ask you to stay but I am not even sure what I will do yet.  Besides... if I do decide to be a bloody "hero" though I am hardly suited to the role in any measure... I fear it would only lead to your premature demise along with my own.  Still... if I die, it would be in defense of my home... but you have no ties to this land or its people and I shall not fault you for seeking a wiser path upon which to walk the Shadows. ~~~

Having finished "chatting" with Hunter as well as cleaning him of the blood on his pelt, Leonardo moved back to sit against one of the trees.  He reached into his jacket to remove a deck of cards... an older and apparently not very recently used Trump Deck.  Leonardo began to shuffle the cards and then flip through them until he found the one he wanted.

Having taken the one card out of the deck, Leonardo kept it face down while he closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh of regret.  A moment later he lifted the Trump Card to his face and took another moment to study the image intensely as he tried to make contact....

~~~ Simon... Simon Gyon please answer me.  It is your old friend calling... please respond. ~~~

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
~~ Leonardo?  Is it truly you?  Have you come to release me from slavery?  Or do you yet even know of my plight? ~~  Simon's "voice" is weak, tired-seeming, filled with despair.
~~ Perhaps this is just delusion.  Picard was raving before he died, speaking of seeing God laughing at us...  Still, if this is delusion, at least it is a pleasant one.  Speaking to an old friend one last time before I die from the heat and disease. ~~

Hunter stands and moves away from Leonardo, only to lay down again where he can see along the forest path for a short way.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

~~~ Simon!  Yes Simon it is really me, you are not imagining this... AND... you are NOT going to die!  Don't even think it, I may have been gone awhile longer than I had planned but you know I NEVER abadon my true friends!  I am in possession of a few of the facts, I knew you were missing and that it was not by your choice.

I also... well... I met Tarquin at a service for the Church of the One, you can thank Xander for that.  I have no idea if Tarquin suspects me or not but I really don't care at this rate... I'm just really glad to know that you are still alive!

You keep you hope and your spirits up Simon!  I'm not going to let you die... remember.. you still owe me 10 crowns from that horse race last winter!  You always were bad about paying off debts but if you think I'm going to let you use a little thing like slavery to weasel out of paying me back... you've got another thing coming!

Ok... back to the serious business of a jailbreak... I need you to relax and concentrate on the feeling of my voice.  I'm going to try something which if it works... when it works... could be your salvation.  I can't promise anything just yet until I try.

However no matter what happens... don't struggle or resist.  Also know this... even if what I have in mind does not work, I WILL come to rescue you one way or another.  Do not give up! ~~~

Leonardo takes a deep breath and then attempts to pull Simon to his current location through the Trump connection which has been established.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
There is a momentary resistance, as if something has tried to hold onto the man, and then Simon is there, sprawled upon the grass.  But a different Simon from the one Leonardo remembers.  This one is gaunt and hollow eyed, clad in tattered rags, which are barely recognisable as the remains of a once fine suit of clothing.  His skin is blotched with red and riddled with sores, and there is a thin trickle of blood from his right nostril.

He raises a hand to cover his eyes, and Leonardo sees a strange swelling appear beneath the skin of his forearm, then watches as it moves, slithering away towards the upper arm.

"Is this really Escher?  Or is this some *cough cough* new torment?"  The voice is weak, rasping, not the strong vibrant voice of Simon, the voice that used to sing bawdy songs and romantic ballads while he worked.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo

Leonardo moves quickly having some rather nasty suspicions as to what that swelling might me... it wasn't natural and Simon didn't have it the last time, that spoke of trouble!

Leonardo extended a sharp blade like a scaple from Piece and moved to intercept the moving swelling before it could reach Simon's shoulder.  His intention was to cut it our and away from Simon before it could move to more vital organs.  Leonardo would try to be careful enough not to damage Simon's arm and any injury left could be healed by Piece later.

As he moved to deal with the mobile swelling, Leonardo replied in as relieved and reassuring tone as possible, "Simon my old friend, you are both alive and home!  Please trust in me that I will take care of you... I promise that you will be back to your old non-debt paying self as usual in no time.  Do not worry about the wolf, he is a friend.

But Simon, what is this under your skin on your arm?  It has an ill look about it... please hold still... I feel it needs to be removed and quickly before more harm is done!  Do not despair, I have something which can heal even the worst looking wound... but first I need to "lance the boil, to let the poison out".  Hold on Simon... you'll be safe very soon."

I'll not lose TWO close friends in less than a bloody week!  What in the Shadows is that thing... and why do I feel so ill at ease about its presence?  Can this be what was responsible for the slight delay in the Trump travel?  It would be just like Tarquin or any of his ilk to find some diabolical device to track prisoners and prevent them from escaping!  Please let me not be too late!

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)
The scalpel blade slices into flesh, but Simon barely seems to feel the pain, and soon Leonardo has exposed the culprit, a pale yellow grub as big as his thumb, which snaps its jaws at the blade as he digs it out.

"Escher...  I never thought I would see it again.  *cough*  I won't have to speak to that... that thing in the temple any more."
Simon starts to laugh then, but it soon changes to a pitiful sobbing.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo


After removing the grub, Leonardo instructs Piece to form a "restraint" which can hold the grub in place.  Leonardo then took the other end of Piece and had it form a bracelet which he put around Simon's wrist with the instructions to begin Healing Simon.

Leonardo looks into Simon's eyes and tries to steady his friend's mental state using his own Psyche to calm Simon down.  Leonardo says in a gentle soothing tone, "Easy Simon, don't stress yourself... everything is going to be alright.  You're safe for the time being and I will insure that you remain that way to the best of my ability.  Try to relax, I have placed a... medical device.. around your wrist, it should be able to detect any damage done to your physical body and attempt to repair it.

Now Simon... can you tell me what this pale yellow grub thing is?  How long have you had this in you and how did it get there?  I need to know if Tarquin or one of his thugs is responsible for this thing being in you.

Also... we may need to leave Escher soon.  I know you don't want to go as you have only just returned but... well... Tarquin still has a powerbase built up here and I'm afraid our home is just not safe anymore.  We need to find a place of peace and quiet where you can recover and we can both gather our strength for the upcoming ordeals.

Simon... how many more Escherians are being forced to work at that temple?  Are there Escherians who are working with Tarquin to enslave others?  Lastly... and I realize you may need time to recover first...lastly.. what is this Thing in the temple that you speak of?  I will need to know all I can about it, both its physical characteristics as well as its demands and/or motivations.  However we can wait awhile before going into too much detail.

But whatever we do, we must act soon... it won't be long before your escape is noticed and they will come looking for you.  I hate to sound like an old fashioned mobster movie but... "You know too much".  However I will protect you and we can escape together to a place of peace and safety... but I first must know if this.. grub.. might be a device of Tarquin's to track and monitor you."

As he spoke to Simon, Leonardo began mentally reviewing his options for alternative Shadows.  He needed a place which was far from Escher and preferably not too close to either Chaos or Amber, someplace where things were peaceful but which also had modern medical facilities... just in case Simon needed longterm care and observation.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Dworkin (GM)

Simon regards the grub with dull, uninterested eyes, and finally speaks, his voice stronger now, "Too late... too late... Fearan was eaten from within by those things.  Hundreds of them inside him.  At the end we thought he was still alive because he kept moving, but it was only the worms fighting over the best scraps."
"When his skin finally split, and they poured out of him... gods!"

"That place is filled with creatures like that.  Insects that lay their eggs in open wounds.  There are even butterflies there that will eat flesh, and... no... I don't want to remember them!"

"I did not see many of our people there, and only two who worked with Tarquin... though I didn't know their names.  Their garb was familiar in style though."

"Ah... the thing in the temple... it was horrible, Leonardo.  I never saw it, you understand, but it could be in my head whenever it wanted to.  It would ask about Escher... how many people are here?  Are we strongly defended?  It asked if I knew of something called amber, but when I spoke of the gemstone by that name it lashed my mind with whips of fire."
"Sometimes I dreamed of it, and always it appeared as a rotting, severed head, screaming my name as it rolled along the ground, leaving a trail of grubs behind it... "

Finally it seems that Simon can speak no more.  He closes his eyes and curls into a ball, hands clasped around his head.

Re: Part 23b - Escher by Leonardo
Leonardo places his hand gently on Simon's shoulder and tries to give comfort with a reassuring gesture but he knows what his friend needs is time and peace and safety to recover.  Leonardo motions for Hunter to join him and grasps the wolf gently by the scruff of its neck.  He then takes a deep breath and says in a calm, soothing tone, "Rest easy my friend, there will be time enough for recounting later Simon.  You must heal and we must all leave.  I know just the place... a little "alien" perhaps but definitely a "safe harbor".  Hold on tight, you too Hunter, while I make our "travel arrangements"... you need a "vacation" Simon and I'm going to see that you get one!"

With a wane smile, Leonardo holds onto Hunter and Simon as he closes his eyes and focuses on the Shadow he has in mind.  He is able to make a clear connection with the Shadow but first he makes a contact through a personal Trump, ~~~ Mork calling Orson, come in Orson.... I mean Leonardo paging Dr. Crick, come in please.  Well hello Collins, I'm sorry old bean but it seems I'll be needing your TLC for a friend of mine.  Still he's going to need a bit of time to heal and we can catch up with recent events... I wish this could just be a social visit but that's life I guess.  I also have an interesting biological specimen you might want to take a look at... a grub of some sort but a particularly nasty and aggressive type.

I'll be there soon... by the way, you do still have a few places set aside that are not entirely "pet free" right?  Why do I ask... well I'm bringing in a four-legged friend but actually he's not mine... I'm "babysitting" for another friend for awhile.  You know how these things happen... they just show up on your doorstep and suddenly you're taking care of them without word from the owner for days on end.  What's that... no I never took me for the animal type either.. oh good you have a place for him, great.  See you in a jiffy then. ~~~

Breaking off the Trump communication with Collins, Leonardo focuses on the location Trump fully and soon Escher has 2 fewer humans and 1 fewer wolf upon its slowly corrupting surface.
